A Perspective on Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation Hearing
“DEI policies today are dividing troops in formations causing commanders to walk on egg shells not put meritocracy first.” ~ Pete Hegseth
Having watched the entire hearing, the overall theme was essentially Disingenuous, Dangerous, Democrats (DDD) attacking common sense. The DDD do not want a Secretary of Defense (SecDef) that is going to create a force that can fight and win wars, as demonstrated by the acting U.S. SecDef who is the head of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the executive department of the US Armed Forces, Lloyd Austin. Secretary Austin’s record of feeble performance, with an emphasis on the despicable Afghanistan withdraw, includes pushing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Critical Race Theory (CRT), women in the combat arms, and suggesting the military has a racist and white extremist problem.
The DDD are seeking a SecDef who will do what they are told, not what is right, as we saw with Secretary Austin, who mandated an experimental and unconstitutional mRNA COVID Vaccine. The DDD wants a military infected with politics, dangerous policies, and pitiful standards. It is clear the military that the DDD are seeking (and have worked on for the last several years) will not be prepared to fight, let alone win. In short, if the DDD got what they wanted in their military, it would be the end of America. Sadly, this is their desired end state, as it is for all globalists.
Hegseth did a great job highlighting his common sense goals for the Department of Defense (DoD), first being restoration of the warrior’s ethos to the Pentagon and the fighting forces. Second, he detailed a plan to rebuild the military. His third initiative is to re-establish deterrence.
Secretary of Defense Nominee Hegseth also made a re-commitment to “Peace through Strength” policies. Hegseth amplified the invaluable military mantra that “…will remain patriotically a-political and stridently Constitutional ... unlike the current administration, politics should play no part in military matters.” Hegseth further emphasized, “Our standards will be high and equal. Not equitable. That’s a very different word.”
When Hegseth addressed his unconventional background for the position, he highlighted something President Trump said to him, “we have had retired generals, academics or defense contractor executives and where has that gotten us?”
This is a point hard to argue considering the U.S. Military has the best troops in the world. But it’s leadership that has failed them on the battlefield. Unless of course, the goal of the military was not to win wars but keep them going for the politicians and the Defense Contractors who fund them. It’s not a coincidence that the term “forever wars” was created during the Obama Administration.
Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) was in rare form by injecting some humor and raised great points while questioning nominee Hegseth. Sen. Sullivan pointed out how on day-one under the Biden Administration, Biden and his SecDef, Austin outright lied about the military claiming, “Our military is chalked with racists and violent extremists.”
At the time, they used the term, “anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists.” There is only one problem, our military members swear an Oath to the Constitution, not a government or authority. These words were not by accident, but through painful deliberation.
Biden and Austin knew they were going to go against the Constitution and they wanted a military that would do what they were told, not what they swore an Oath to. They were trying to get rid of those patriotic Americans in the military who committed to God, Family, Country and the Constitution. Ironically, Hegseth himself was labelled an extremist by the very Army he served, for having a tattoo of the Jerusalem Cross on his chest. (Perhaps a testament to God’s sense of humor.)
Sen. Sullivan went on and asked Hegseth if he would commit to fire any Secretary of the Navy more committed to climate change than shipbuilding, referring to Secretary Del Toro, to which Pete adamantly agreed that he would. Sen. Sullivan then went on and asked Hegseth if he would “Rip the Biden woke yoke off the neck of the military?” Sen. Sullivan further asked, “How do you think our troops would react if you said that?” Hegseth, without hesitation responded, “I know they will rejoice and love it!”
The attacks on Hegseth were expected but the manner in which the DDD delivered them was even more telling on how disingenuous and dangerous the Democrat politicians are.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-New York) for example went on and said, “The statements you said about people who have views differently than you, that we’re the enemy. Are you saying that 50% of the DoD, if they hold liberal views or leftist views, or are Democrats, are not welcome in the military?” Hegseth responded superbly by stating, “I volunteered to deploy to Afghanistan under Democrat President Barack Obama. I also volunteered to guard the inauguration of Joe Biden but was denied the opportunity to serve because I was identified as an extremist by my own unit for a Christian tattoo.” Her argument was instantly defeated be Hegseth’s retort.
Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) unashamedly claimed Hegseth would invade Greenland and the Panama Canal when he said nothing of the sort. Sen. Hirono said, “… my question is, would you use our military to take over Greenland or an ally of Denmark?” Hegseth replied, “Senator, one of the things that President Trump is so good at is never strategically tipping his hand. And so I would never in this public forum give one way or another direct what orders the president gives in any context.” Senator Hirono concluded with, “It sounds to me that you would contemplate carrying out such an order to basically invade Greenland and the Panama Canal.”
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Virginia) was disgraceful in his line of questioning as he tried to brand Hegseth as a wife-beater. Senator Kaine asked, “Did you ever engage in any acts of physical violence against any of your wives?” Hegseth adamantly responded, “Absolutely not.” Senator Kaine went on, “But you would agree with me that if someone had committed physical violence against a spouse, that would be disqualifying to serve as Secretary of Defense, correct, Senator?” This questioning was despicable not only because none of his former spouses have alleged any spousal abuse, but also because the question is raised knowing that Congress has secretly paid out more than $17.0 million taxpayer dollars to quietly settle charges of sexual and other forms of harassment.
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois) not only embarrassed herself like she routinely does with her questioning, but amplified the fact that DDD was not concerned about Hegseth’s qualifications. Duckworth and her fellow DDD cohorts were using this opportunity to bludgeon Hegseth and President Trump because they were soundly beaten in the election and this was just an exercise to try and stop President Trump in any way possible!
Sen. Duckworth went on and played gotcha games and said Hegseth was not qualified and had never over seen an audit. This was rich considering the DoD has not passed a single internal audit since they began in 2017. She’s never been concerned with this fact. Let’s remember SecDef Rumsfeld, going back to 9 September, 2001 said they could not account for $2.3 trillion of our tax money and the fact that our federal government is $36.000 trillion in debt at the time.
Sen. Markwayne Mullin, (R-Oklahoma), called out Democratic senators’ for their “hypocrisy” in their lines of questioning. He went on and said, “I think it's so hypocritical of senators, especially on the other side, to be talking about his qualifications … And yet your qualifications aren't any better.” Then Sen.Mullin addressed Sen. Kaine directly, “Senator Kaine, or I guess I better use the senator from Virginia, starts bringing up the fact that, what if you showed up drunk to your job? How many senators have showed up drunk to vote at night?” After a fair amount of laughter, Sen. Mullin went on to say, “Have any of you guys asked them to step down and resign from their job? And don't tell me you haven't seen it because I know you have.”
Sen. Mullin then further delivered the mic drop statement of the hearing, “And then how many senators do you know have got a divorce for cheating on their wives? Did you ask them to step down? No … You guys make sure you make a big show and point out the hypocrisy because a man's made a mistake, and you want to sit there and say that he's not qualified. Give me a joke. It is so ridiculous that you guys hold yourself as this higher standard. You forget you got a big plank in your eye.”
In summary, Pete Hegseth demonstrated a calm and cool demeanor, his positivity, and confidence were well displayed but most importantly, his commitment and common sense approach to Make our Military Great Again was undeniable. This is exactly we need most in our next Secretary of Defense!