Predictive Programming and the Evil in our Globalist Infiltrated Federal Government and Corporate Media
The globalists, for a various reasons, always tell us what they are going to do before they do it, it is up to us to make sure we are listening!
The moment I saw and heard Attorney General Merrick Garland talking about the threat of Iran, I got sinking feeling in my gut. The reason is that we have seen this before. We have seen predictive programing, a psychological weapon used to tell you something unbelievable is going to happen before it does so it is easier accept when it does happen, and how this current administration, infiltrated with globalists, has used it in the past.
Think back how in 2017 Anthony Fauci predicted a pandemic “Surprise Outbreak” on President Trump’s term in office or Bernie Sanders predicting President Trump would win on election night, but once they started counting mail in ballots for weeks, would end up losing.
When I heard Garland state, “The U.S. government is intensely tracking Iran’s lethal plotting against current and former U.S. government officials, including former President Trump,” it was clear to me what they were plotting. No one wants President Trump dead more than the globalists.
The globalists are the ones that have driven the attacks on President Trump from the moment he came down the escalator to announce his candidacy. These people spied on his campaign, tried to impeach him twice, charged him with 94 indictments, tried to jail him, bankrupt him and assassinate him twice. The globalists know that if President Trump wins, their evil dystopian global government goals are over. If anyone needed a reason to vote for President Trump, this alone is the most important!
This is after two assassination attempts that showed a level of incompetence by our government that reeked of an inside job. Combine this with the fact that the investigation led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the United States Secret Service (USSS), with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has been so disgraceful, it is obviously committed to covering up what happened as they look for another false narrative to lie to the American people and global population about.
Let us not forget our federal government infiltrated by globalists, the same globalists that own corporate media have destroyed their credibility with blatant lies they pushed for decades! To name a few, without going into detail in this article, is the JFK assassination, 911, Russian Collusion, Hunter Laptop, COVID Vaccines being safe and effective, and so many more.
In short, no one should listen to our federal government and corporate media outlets until they come clean on all they have lied about and have proven they are committed to truth, transparency and the well-being of the American people.
To make matters worse and not by coincidence, reported on the same day, there have been multiple reports that nine Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs) have made it across our border at a Point of Entry (POE). The narrative of Iranians using SAMs to shoot down President Trump’s plane has been created. We must pray and do everything imaginable to make sure this never happens, to include sharing this article.
Let us pray for more whistleblowers to expose any activity on this issue and others designed to inflict significant harm to our country. More importantly, we must commit to taking care of those whistleblowers sharing truths at great risk!
To Right and Freedom, Truth, Transparency, and no more globalists :)